I was listening to a radio program that had Erich von Daniken as the guest speaker and he said something that I thought was very profound and interesting. This is a small excerpt here:
"The Creation of the Spirit of Creation"
This statement brings up a lot of thoughts. First off it makes me wonder about the nature of creation and how it seems to almost be the all of everything. The creative force is an amazing thing and it lies at the very heart of the mystery. It is one of those things that sits in the center and knows while we dance around the circle and suppose.
But the real profundity of the statement is the implication of the creation of god. Let's assume that God created the universe. God had this desire to create and God created. But what instilled in God the desire to create? What created the spirit of creation? Was it a God that created God? Is there an endless loop of Gods? Does this circle go on forever? It's a paradox and paradoxes are something that I will be exploring in further posts.
Is what we think of as God simply "The Creative Force in the Universe?" The Force that through the Green fuse shoots the flower?
Is there a God?
Is there an endless loop of Gods?
Or is it all something we simply cannot fathom?
And that last question brings me to my cat and the radiator.

Nor does he understand that I keep all of this in motion by paying the gas bill and by adjusting the thermostat.
Nope, he doesn't understand any of that.... yet he enjoys it and, in the way of cats, he appreciates it.
And what does this all lead us to? I am not really sure because as in just about every other post on this blog I end up with more question marks than I expected. But, The sun is shining outside and it's burning away the morning briskness and I think that maybe I will just go outside for a walk and enjoy the sunshine on my face.
Next post: I just recently returned from a trip to Greece and one of the things I visited was the Oracle at Delphi. This is the place that the Ancient Greeks considered to be the Center of the Universe. I will be posting pictures and my thoughts about the experience and the place.
First, I have a couple of questions about your questions.
"Let's assume that God created the universe." Ok.
"God had this desire to
create and God created. But what instilled in God the desire to create?" Are we to understand that, in order to create, there must exist a desire to create? Are we also to assume that God possesses human-like traits such as
"What created the spirit of creation? Was it a God that created God? .... Does this circle go on forever?" We seem to have found ourselves caught in a loop.
This leads me to think the problem is elsewhere.
We have assumed that "God created the universe", but we really have not defined the terms used in
the assumption. Then we tried to define the same terms used in assumption with the assumption...
"Is what we think of God simply 'The Creative Force in the Universe?' The Force that through the Green fuse shoots the flower?" How would you define the "Creative Force"? If the Force is what makes flowers bloom, what makes planets turn, then modern genetics and astronomy (laws of nature) would
provide fairly undeniable answers.
Let me also add a bit about my own belief for a change. For me, it is very simple. God encompass all known and unknown domains in the sense of tangible physical domains and imaginary domains (in terms of human thought process of any kind (this includes emotion, as emotion is really the physical expression of a thought or feeling).
Then instead of asking what God is, I am asking what God is not. The answer to that is "emptiness", that is, nothing at all. Following this deduction, God must be Everything Else. Thus everything is a part of God, and God is a part of everything. This is also to say that God is just as a part of a rainbow as a part of a pebble, and as a part of you and me.
Hello Will Kallif!
I read your post.
""Let's assume that God created the universe."
No, we don't need to assume that.
A post in the blog bloganders.blogspot.com (see right menu) both proves the existence of a Creator and His purpose of humankind.
Anders Branderud
Hi I see it from a perspective that God is all.
The nothing you talk off is the beginning.
Nothing can be the most useful thing for example the hole in a wheel centre, the space in a vase, the gaps between words.... its endless.
We are all part of a living thing as creatures we have the gift of self, maybe greater then other beats lol for it is through self awareness we can witness the behaviour we have no other creature seems so preoccupied with such activity.
I mean you don’t see Crock's sweating over some unfortunate soul they just eaten.
Do you follow?
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